Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Due to the internet connection in my house screwing up, day 18 is late.
But oh well, I'll still deliver.
My insecurity? I need to be loved. In some ways, I am so much like Monica Geller in Friends.
But nah that can't be shown in a picture, so let's settle for second best.
I don't like that I'm a kid. Size wise. No curves, underdeveloped, all that shit. Always been hearing comments like, GOD, you don't look your age. People say I'd appreciate looking younger when we've grown older, but for now, it's really not a good thing.
How is it good when people take a look at you and don't treat you seriously.
How is it good that I apparently haven't been growing like the rest of my peers.
You're right, it takes energy to listen to those comments, and not bitch slap the hell out of whoever's saying them.
But it's been going pretty well, I've been told I dress well, and looks seriously aren't everything. Maybe a 90%, I'm not that naive, but definitely not everything.
I don't dress well actually. I struggle with my wardrobe. I don't do this for anybody but myself. When I look good, I feel good. It's just the way things are.
Then I think, oh man, I need more clothes that would flatter my body type, and panic again.
But at the end of the day,

And I accept that and move on.
I'd forever be seeking ways to make me look better, and that's the way I deal with my insecurity, I guess.
Labels: 30dayphotochallenge